In December of 2007, Andre Smith's son, Daniel, was murdered.  I was fortunate to interview Andre recently and learn how approach to life has enabled him to cope with death of his son.  Although disabled, he volunteers weekly at Nash Correctional Institution, leading workshops to help prisoners realize peace through compassion and forgiveness; helping the prisoners in this way also benefits the prison staff and all of us on the outside.  Here he explains how and why he does it.

Really meditation is about your state of mind and finding peace within yourself.  In our meditation class, I am learning the true meaning of words like generosityforgivenesscompassion and control.  True generosity isn’t only towards your friends and family.  It is in helping fill any person’s need, whether it be time, food, teaching or even just listening.  I have learned forgiveness is ultimately to let go of the bad thoughts and feelings towards the people I feel have wronged me.  That one is a work in progress because you can’t just say it and be done—you have to mean it.  Compassion is simply looking at a situation from multiple perspectives and having an understanding of where another person is coming from.  Control is something I always thought I had over myself, but I learned that I almost always allowed everyone else a measure of control over me by reacting to their actions.  Not reacting and taking the time to process a problem before doing anything is real control. 

AuthorSteven Killion